Social Engineering Awareness

Social Engineering Awareness

Defend against sophisticated attacks & educate & train your employees to prevent one

What Is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is a psychological manipulation technique that coaxes victims into divulging sensitive information in order to gain access to systems, data or physical spaces. Rather than an attacker searching for a software vulnerability to exploit, they take advantage of human psychology: A hacker might fabricate a pretense to gain the trust of an individual and ultimately convince them to share access credentials to systems or an office space, or wire funds, for example. Social engineering attacks tend to target individuals who have special access to these assets.

Top Social Engineering Attack Techniques

Become aware of many of the following: (& many more)

  • Baiting: Scareware: Pretexting: Phishing: Spear phishing: Tailgating: Watering hole: Whaling: 

You'll leave this session with a valuable insight into how (& why) we are vulnerable & the knowledge to help defend yourself and your organisation.





Contact Details

Company Information

  • Your-DPO is a Division of:
    The Data Factory (UK) Ltd
    Registered in England
    Company No.04161217
    VAT No.815 6950 13
    ICO Registration: Z8605788