DPO / SRI as a Service (DPOaaS)

DPO / SRI as a Service (DPOaaS)

Providing an efficient & cost effective service to you, including:


    • A complete solution to your Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsibilities under UK Data Protection laws
    • A complete solution to your Senior Responsible Individuals' (SRI) responsibilities under the potential DPDI Bill as a Data Protection Expert
    • A dedicated, independent minded viewpoint & no conflict of interest with other business services.
    • A full documentation review, gap analysis & comprehensive audit report with remedial action plan
    • On demand Data Breach Support & Subject Access Request Assistance
    • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Assistance
    • First point of contact for data breaches & escalation
    • Privacy Documents & Policy Creation & Data Sharing Agreements Assistance
    • Data Governance, Reporting & Oversight
    • Training Awareness / Information Governance for staff
    • Cyber Security Advice (consultancy & penetration testing available) 
    • Unlimited telephone and email advice via your dedicated DPO consultant
    • An official contact point with your supervisory authority on all data protection matters
    • Bi-monthly Newsletter (current topics, breaches, news) for Healthcare Organisations
    • DPO as a Service is an annual subscription product (billed monthly/quarterly) - the price you pay depends upon the level of support you require.




Contact Details

Company Information

  • Your-DPO is a Division of:
    The Data Factory (UK) Ltd
    Registered in England
    Company No.04161217
    VAT No.815 6950 13
    ICO Registration: Z8605788